About Us: Discover One of the Best Schools in Ghatlodia
We focus on the current needs and aspirations of a society, and its inherent values.
At Kalorex Future School, Ghatlodia, we strive to foster a global learning environment for our students through our all-inclusive curriculum. As a trusted English medium school in Ghatlodia, our student-focused academic approach makes learning more interactive and participative. We have adopted a professional approach to soft-skills training in order to unravel the hidden potential of each child.
Kalorex is a professionally managed autonomous institution focusing its activities on K-12 education since its inception in 1995. It believes in empowering children to succeed in all spheres of life. In Kalorex Future School we partner with families, the community and businesses to provide all students with equal access to a high quality education in a safe, healthy, challenging and caring environment.
The mission of Kalorex Future School – in partnership with families, the community and businesses – is to provide all our students with equal access to a high quality education in a safe, healthy, challenging and caring environment, making it one of the best schools in Ghatlodia. Each student is empowered to become an Academic Achiever, a Critical Thinker and an Effective Communicator who interacts cooperatively as a socially responsible citizen in a multicultural and technical world. By exposing each student to a rigorous curriculum in a supportive academic setting, our students are ultimately prepared for college, the workplace and beyond. The school follows CBSE syllabus. Teaching methodology is very unique based on Kalorex Taxonomy. The taxonomy is developed keeping in mind the CCE requirements as well as building strong foundation for futuristic requirements of a Kalorexian.
Service Promise
KFS Philosophy
We believe that knowledge, synergistic knowledge, is power. In today’s collaborative culture, knowledge sharing is encouraged so that collective expertise can be put into context to benefit the society as a whole. With this principle in mind, we conducted a brainstorming session where eminent dignitaries from the education sector as well as other businesses were invited to share ideas, experiences, and insights which helped us evolve the KFS philosophy.
Needless to say, the session was productive and helped us determine the fundamental philosophy of Kalorex Future School.
K-12 Taxonomy
The 4 Theories of Learning – Constructivism, Behaviorism, Cognitivism and Connectivism form the basis of Instructional delivery.
The theories are beautifully woven into the curricula with different approaches like- Conventional, Interdisciplinary, Active and Blended Learning.
The Kalorex Taxonomy beautifully adapts itself to all the new features, compliances and mandates brought out through the National Education Policy (NEP) – 2020.
Within the framework of WORLD
- W – Workshops and Trainings for Parents, Students & Teachers
- O – Overall Development – Balance between Academic Performing & Non Performing Arts
- R – Role of Mentor – Reaching to each child
- L – Life Skills – Inculcating human Values & innovation Skills
- D – Doing vs. Rote Learning – Individual Learning Style and 2i, 2t, [2i– innovation and inquiry, 2t– teachers and technology] the student develops People Skills and Goal Setting Skills and adapts to the 21st Century world
ECFS curriculum is designed to fit into the Indian classroom environment with a global touch of curriculum. Mainly – EYFS. Our Curriculum is based upon the national Curriculum of England and is adapted to maximize opportunities which exist in India for an Indian child.
Our Focus: Happy Confident Social Child
Kalorex Core Values
Dynamic & Evolving
Academic Excellence
Relentless Repeatability
Living in the Gap
Continuous Learning Mode
My Kalorex, Organization First
Raison d'etre - Humanistic Approach
Sharping Local Learners & Citizens
Accountable Staff
X Factor - Speed with Accuracy
Simple Ideas, Superb Implementation
Message from Principal
Dear parents and students,
Our school and school memories have been an integral part of our lives. Schools play a pivotal and critical role in the holistic development of children. The experiences students have at school provides a structured environment that nurtures their intellectual, social, emotional, and physical growth. This equips them with essential skills and knowledge for their future. We at Kalorex Future School, provide a safe and supportive environment that encourages children to learn and grow with the essential future skills.
As we all are aware, National Education Policy 2020, emphasizes on multidisciplinary approach, we are very much aligned with the same. In an integrated learning system, we look forward to go beyond traditional learning methodologies and integrate collaborative learning models. The educational strategies we adapt aim to nurturing cognitive, fine and gross motor skills in the early stage of life of all the students. Collaborative learning has been shown to not only develop higher-level thinking skills in students, but boost their confidence and self-esteem as well. Thus reassuring the intellectual development of students.
Another need of an hour is ‘Embracing Change’. Embracing change lets you learn new things. It is extremely important for the students to learn to adapt change and develop tolerance. Adaptability opens up your mind to new ideas. Growth mind-set keep students motivated when they face challenges and also embrace changes. The more we embrace change, the more life experiences we have, and the more we learn about others and ourselves. Experiences leading to adaptability raises socially and emotionally strong students.
Students who are strong intellectually, socially and emotionally are also inclined towards healthy physical growth. A healthy Body leads to a Healthy Mind.
We wish all the students a beautiful package of holistic experiences in the coming year.